What should I wear?
Please be prepared for all weathers as we will be outside for the majority of the time. Warm clothing, a waterproof jacket and sturdy boots are advisable.
Do you have smaller guns for ladies or children?
Yes we do, we have a number of 20/10-bore shotguns to enable children as young as 10 years old to have a go at shooting.
Will clay pigeon shooting hurt my shoulder?
We use the lightest load cartridge (21 grams) to minimise any recoil from the gun as well as teaching you how to correctly hold the gun.
When fly fishing, do we get to keep our fish?
Rainbow and Brown Trout are delicious to eat and you will be able to take your fish home properly bagged, ready for the oven or a barbecue!
Do I need to have a shotgun certificate to enable me to shoot?
No, you are covered by our Police Firearms Act (Section 11 exemption).
What is the minimum age for quad biking?
12 years old.